Chapter 743 - Balance of Power

Kora was smoothing down her golden robes as she sat in an ornate waiting room.  It had gilded vases holding grade 6 herbs in them to leave a soothing atmosphere for visitors.  There were cherry lacquered tables with fine leather sofas to sit comfortably for any length of time.

A deep green tea set was steaming in front of her but she barely sipped at it.

"You are usually more prideful, little sister."  A voice made her jump as a demoness made a stark contrast to the room.  Her 2 short swords were visibly within reach as her exquisite leather armor creaked across her body with every movement.

Kora knew she could be dead silent if she wished but Cyntilla was simply lounging against the 6 paned window that showed a large stretch of greenery and trees.  The white stone outside  seemed to glow but it actually acted as camouflage for the residents.