Chapter 819 - Spark of Life

Lind felt like his head was full of fog or maybe marshmallow would be a better example as he could not recall the last thing that happened before he passed out.

It was only after blinking and massaging his temples that his memory came back.  He had fought with Gel in a similar way Cyntilla used to hone Kal's ability to control his physique.

It had been a gamble but she was going to die from what he could tell or have to be killed at worst.

He was laying down inside a relatively comfortable cavern.  A happy fire was burning not far away but it was just for light or warmth from what he could tell. 

The flow of air told him the dark opening led to the surface.  He carefully stood up and only then realized he was naked.  His robes had been destroyed by both the battle and the tribulation.

The dark band of metal on his finger was all he had. 

[Master, I need to tell you something.]