Chapter 828 - Day the World Fell

Ren had thought never to see elixirs gain but the gentle feeling coursing through her veins let her feel better than she had in ages.

The tumultuous last few months had accelerated her deterioration.  She was not alone as a few other old fogies joined her in weakening.  Their foundations were just not stable enough for big shocks.

Now, however, she felt much better.

"An Elixir Master?  A good one too from what I can tell.  Getting to grade 7 is no small feat."  Lind looked surprised at her words but she was more shocked at how he had control of the citadel.

His aura had wrenched it all away from her as if the million years previously had never occurred.  She had suspected for some time it was not a coincidence that the citadel, abandoned and decrepit but still standing, had been near the entrance to the Sacred Paths.

"You know what I am, Senior?  All of it?"  She saw his emerald vertically slit eyes and could hazard a guess.