Chapter 830 - New Order

"What has happened?"  A very subdued group gathered in the main meeting room of the citadel.  There were only 7 Immortals left including 2 that were unable to come.  The young woman asking was one of the few that had simply been locked in her quarters until it was all over.

Then the message went out to call a meeting from Lady Ren's jade stone.

She had dark blonde hair put into a long braid draped over her left shoulder as her pale violet robes brought out her pale skin.  She was a little sunken in physically but far better than most other cultivators.

The other 4 people in the room were Immortals about half way through their lifespans.  So far as she could recall, they had never had much say in the course of citadel policy.

Tiana saw no one was willing to answer her question when the double doors opened.

A very old man was walking with difficulty into the room.