Chapter 837 - Divine Haven

The interior of the temple was simple and open. There were wide passages well lit by windows and shafts letting light in from outside. Lind could see a few light crystals that were found anywhere in the realms.

The contrast from the trial and the feeling he had even now of being in a Divine Inheritance was so stark that he wondered if his senses were wrong. The people in the robes like the acolyte jumped but there were only a dozen or so in his sight. 

Some carried a few obvious scrolls and jade slips they were studying but most kept their head down and moved steadily about their business. It was much like any temple or hub of people would be, yet the feeling of being in an Inheritance did not fade at all.

The trio came to another set of stairs made of slick black stone and began to ascend but the simple decorations and minimal additions actually made it more impressive to his mind.