Chapter 840 - Trial of Life Part 1

Lind was running. He could feel it but it was without fear. Elation and laughter filled him as sunlight tried to pierce the canopy of green above him.

He pumped his small arms as hard as he could when the brush on his right shook. Rather than fear, he smiled as a large man appeared and lifted him up with a false growl.

"AH HA HA! I got you! You could not escape the great beast of Eldin Woods!" Giggling came from Lind as he was tickled and then set down. "Now, we should head back or the real beast of the woods will have my hide!"

He nodded and took the callused hand of the man. His dark hair was a bit matted but it was likely due to the mud and moisture of the forest around them. His woolen shirt that stuck out of his leather armor was patched up all over but still good.

The simple woolen pants were odd but the sharp briar he noted now and again made the thicker pants a wise choice.