Chapter 854 - Harmonic Dance

A strange feeling was coming from the lab of the True Lord in the next weeks. Dragons, by their nature, were very sensitive to changes in Qi, scents, and so forth. Where before the lab felt like chaotic storms would spike followed by the feeling of devastation was strong in it, now, a new feeling came from it.

There was no reference in any of their race memories and it made them itchy to go near it. Any remaining stubborn clans that wanted to just get in the new True Lord's good graces no longer went near the building.

Hope too had to leave but because she nearly broke through before she was ready! She really wanted to keep watching as it was fascinating, but she was made to leave by Lind, himself.

Inside the building, a massive area had been cleared out once more and a massive harmonic crystal floated as several artifacts fed into it more elemental Qi. It kept the crystal vital but the floating was all on its own.