Chapter 858 - Limit of True Lords

The Temple of Souls was never intended to be a place of several powers to gather. Meeting rooms were relatively small, even by human standards. The few exceptions were the High Priestess' quarters and an area set aside for production masters to set up shop.

The clan branches were only meant for easy relay of messages or letting potential acolytes prepare to be submitted to the temple.

When the Cataclysm fell, changes had to be made but the limited space was already tight. Thus, an area once reserved for acolyte training was converted into a larger meeting room. 

It was a wide open square space open to the elements but dragons rarely cared about such a thing. Rain or shine, they lived in the wider world as it was.

Now, a large stone slab made up a table with massive space set aside around it. Some dragons in human form were there but most were in their natural state.