Chapter 874 - Fiendish Design

It had been a damned long time since Lind was truly alone. He always seemed to find company in some form or another but now, he simply sat as he felt the Wings of Heaven get back into the vital energy flow.

Now that he had full access to the artifact, he could see the extent of its effect.

If they flew straight up for 3 days they could leave the area of effect of the 3 spheres.

The vortex would weaken and they could safely start flying back.

Three days never seemed that long until one had to find a way to kill time. He spent it studying his enemy.

Putting together the events was one thing, but his plan would require a better understanding of what he was attacking.

It took him half a day to compile all the pieces about the processor above his head. It was essentially the artifact equivalent of a Fiend.