Chapter 890 - Fire Lord

[Master, there is no covenant to you that I know of. The title of True Lord Candidate is often shortened to simply True Lord for outsiders to make things easier but it is not a big deal to be treated as complete.] Haro sent him some information but Lind believed he had a better grasp of what happened.

Lind had faced 2 of the Inheritances and passed. That was fine. He could not easily get to the last Inheritance easily but he could get to it eventually. Instead, he had chosen to confront the threat to the realm.

He highly suspected that was fine but could still have been seen as a slight.

What likely set off the soul inside the Inheritance was that he was already complete and had spent the last 1000 years living a relative life of peace.

In other words, he was coming when it was convenient to face the trial not rushing as if it was the most important thing as he should have.