Chapter 894 - Healers Until the End

The massive stone sarcophagus was pristine and Lind understood the room had shielded it completely but he had to examine the inside to find out how.

The formations had been fueled by low Immortal grade spirit stones! He saw the remains of a Law Array as well that broke down when he opened the door!

An Immortal must have made it in a rush from what he could see. He quickly examined the entire area but only found a handful of the rooms as sealed as the first one he examined.

The few with partial formations revealed cracked open objects from something forceful. He realized what he was seeing.

"Someone died to make this work." He turned back to the thick layer of dust but there was only one way to be sure.

He looked over the structure of the inscriptions on the stone of the sarcophagus and carefully found what he needed.