Chapter 922 - Testing Descendants

The month seemed to fly by as all the children, grandchildren, and the smattering of great grandchildren that qualified converged on the main clan structures. It was only at that point that everyone realized the physical impossibility of fitting all those people into a single room at once.

The first generation was 9 blood relatives with several adopted siblings or cousins of that generation. 

The grandchildren jumped up quite a bit, Sora alone had added 12 of her own! The total being close to 45. 

The great grandchildren crossed over 100 but some were still mortals!

Even so, the first test was for all of them if they wanted to do it. Out of that latest generation only 73 chose to participate. 

All the rest were required to do so.

As no different instructions were given, they made their way to the main Clan Hall and found the doors wide open. Hei and Zao led them in and bowed to Hope and Lanbao reliefs as they passed them.