Chapter 957 - Broken Qi

"Do not cultivate!" Lind's voice echoed across the blackened bog they were sitting in. He summoned his harmony to cover both of them. 

Only then did he feel safe to let Delenn pull some Qi in. His harmony purified the Qi but its quality was severely reduced. It was not even at the Immortal level, it was Sky Realm at best.

"What is going on?" His Master looked confused as they were both soaked to the skin and Lind noticed that while he was protecting her, her aura had dropped sharply. 

His Eyes activated and saw it was not just her. The trees were not dead around them. They were Obsidian veined trees, an Immortal tree race normally, were barely at the peak of the Heaven Realm!

They were materials he had only heard about from Delenn but the aura conflicted with what he saw. There were clear signs of the trees once having Immortal Sliver and Shard Tier ability but no longer.