Chapter 990 - Final Lesson

"I thought the point was not to advertise what you were. I also did not realize you were so angry." Delenn was looking at Lind with displeasure but he could only take it.

He had not realized how used to getting his way he had been. He had been the leader of powerful forces for thousands of years and when faced with an issue as just a cultivator in the present, he had exerted his actual authority.

He also could not blame it on his instincts as a Vermillion Bird did not elicit that much from his draconic blood. Feng had caused more of a stir and he had no issues with her.

He had no excuse other than he wanted to expedite things and knew he could. He had to correct that.

He would risk becoming the very spoiled brat of a young master he had faced on his journey through the cultivation world. Still, the current circumstances also backed him into a corner so any advantage was welcome.