Chapter 1028 - Irony

The corridors have no light.

It has been so long since any kind of light touched the corridors were many caskets are lined along the walls. A single metal path was laid out between each slot. Anyone from Earth would recognize it as a place from science fiction but the various dark sigils flaring occasionally would dismiss it.

Cultivation could mimic science and eventually surpass the limited understanding humans had.

Sadly, the perversion of nature was not limited to science nor the mortal realms.

A shadowy figure walked slowly up the main corridor. She did not seem to need any light to see her way. She gently waved her delicate fingers in the air and the sigils flared briefly. Her dark beauty was beyond any possible reality but there she stood.

Her ash gray skin and white hair braided over dark leathers revealed her for the species she was.

A Fiend!