Chapter 1042 - Sky Panther Tribe

Lind no longer had trouble from the jungle. In fact, the brush and what few plants could move, got out of his way. The child was now simply sleeping but their looks could make them a girl or a boy.

There were far too many scents in the air for him to confirm one way or the other but his instinct was she was a girl.

The length of her straw yellow hair and softer features leaned that way but her age was harder for him to determine. If she was purely human, he would guess her to be 11, maybe 12 at the oldest but still small for her age.

He had no idea if the beast kin were affected by the quick aging beasts often went through to survive. Compared to humans or demons, beasts outstripped their age group in progress and power very quickly.

A 6 year old human child was basically dinner for a 6 year old beast.