Chapter 1077 - Duty of a True Lord

Lind was imprinting a jade slip from some notes he had made in his office when Teegan finally came to him. Chu was curled up on a couch napping but she was no doubt aware of their guest.

Katara was resting under his care while Ranger was finally on his way back. It had been 3 days since the dragons arrived.

Lind had rebuffed them twice but at least they had not been making a nuisance of themselves. Three of them had helped move materials that allowed him to help build up and Forge some buildings.

Lind only ever did government or support buildings. The infrastructure of the city was almost complete in what seemed record time but he knew it was due to the foundation surviving as well as it had.

He looked up and saw Teegan looked tired. He also saw something else.

"Congratulations." She blinked at him before a warm smile spread on her face.