Chapter 1136 - Penance

King Risselle was not a man of complex politics or strategy, but his battle instincts were terrifying. He had progressed further than anyone in their bloodline in many generations. His eldest daughter was even more monstrous in that respect.

Yet, he trusted his instincts for all of his life. He knew long ago the practice of marrying the lower royals to the beast lords was necessary but undesired in many ways. Still, he had not lied to his children that their time could come.

He knew the terrible price it would bring them but they needed the beasts to guard the areas their kingdom did not reach. There had been many times invaders had come and only the power of the beasts kept them at bay.

It was not only wicked powers or bandits but legitimate powers trying to get their resources improved.

Fallen lands were treasure troves even in the new age of tainted Qi. Maybe especially so.