Chapter 1170 - Adan's Wife

Lind moved to Oz's quarters after letting the children play with him for a bit. The meeting was coming up and the Dawn Imperium would not be quiet about the missing Adan.

The simple quarters were even more spartan than they were initially. The resting area was barren save a mat for cultivating and the bedroom had the bed only. The bath was likely only filled with soap at that rate!

The sole occupant was Adan.

His fine features were twisted in rage but he made not a sound.

"The binding holds his Qi, but why isn't he talking?" Oz shrugged his shoulders at the question.

"Nothing is wrong with him, he just won't talk. I think he wants to really badly but it is almost like he knows what is preventing him." Both men suddenly felt the hairs on their neck stand on end.

"That would be because he wants to yell about me. I will need to keep this short as a day is not nearly enough for him to recover." Adan was speaking but the mannerism had changed.