Chapter 1257 - Sync

The sigils burst like a massive firework display as Lind was sent flying into the surface of the world. Rather than making an impact or crater, the rocky surface became searing magma and water at the same time!

The plume of lava and water did not mix but rose as one to the golden skies. Lind swam up and slowly plopped onto his back as the solid earth returned.

The surface stabilized as he recovered but he was frustrated. Each attempt to create weavings to either repair or modify the effects of the scars always resulted in catastrophic collapse.

It was not like the gentle dispersal when it broke down before. The major reason was due to trying to use the energy leaking from the scars. It was far beyond what he expected.

Each time, even with the smallest scar, he was sent tumbling at best or slammed into the world like he just had been. He did not dare attempt the 2 largest scars.