Chapter 1260 - Soul Dance

Lind spoke his feelings but when he gave the command, all the various weavings did were launching into the scars. They had but one function yet they worked in concert.

Fiend Qi. The weavings channeled after the Fiend Qi in all its forms in each scar and began a process of refining it back into natural Qi. That was but one part of it. Once the purified natural Qi existed, the weaving would then combine the natural Qi and demonic Qi into Celestial Qi!

His harmony made it possible!

The cycle was slow but it began to increase in speed. Still, the swarming of Fiend Qi reacted but the smaller scars were closing!

They were just too restrictive for the Fiend Qi to overcome his weavings.

The large scars, however, were a different story. They were never going to heal from his current attempt.

The weavings did similar actions but they also did one additional act.