"Why?" I ask. I'm not even angry anymore. I don't know if I can be angry with her. I'm betrayed again, I'm discarded again. "Why are we so dispensable to you? Why don't we matter?"
I remember vividly Christian holding me to him and whispering to me that he could see me and tears sting my eyes.
The Goddess moves to crouch before me, not quite kneeling but low enough that I want to leap to my feet and pull her up as well. "Child, I will show you what is at stake and you will understand how I cannot do anything else. Will you let me?"
I nod slowly. I blink twice very fast like there is something in my eye.
When I open my eyes again I am in a void so dark that it swallows light. Shimmering images form in front of me. I feel like I will fall into the nothingness. I can't feel anything but her hands on mine. There is no ground below me, no heat and no cold. There is no breeze or movement. The nothingness is complete and terrible.