Chapter 23: Agreement

Her head lulls to the side as she languidly comes to.

Leila moves her hands and hears a rattling noise. She looks down at herself and finds she’s wearing nothing but a bra and underwear with a collar around her throat. Her cheeks flush in embarrassment as an iron door to her cell opens, revealing Ryu.

Her eyes harden, and she spits readily, “I’m not doing anything you say, you prick!”

His red eyes glow in the dimly lit room, and he counters, snatching her by the collar, “You will do as you’re told.”

She struggles in vain to pull away from his tight grip and snaps defensively, “You don’t deserve my obedience!”

He slaps her across the cheek, claws digging into her neck. “Do you think I care?”

Leila winces at the pain, desperately struggling to remove his hands from around her neck. He would strangle her again without a care. He drops her in the next moment to the cold ground, and she asks weakly, “Where am I?”