Chapter 10: Farkas

At the deepest part of Tane Forest, one of the few places no other wolf would dare to approach, resided the Landalf Pack, an ancient and dangerous pack led by a man called Farkas.

For generations and centuries, the Landalf Pack had been nothing more than a pack that used to follow their own rules and never agreed to the authority of the Royal House; a family that had been ruling Purnama City and its surroundings since forever.

The wolves from the Landalf Pack liked to follow their instincts, not caring about society rules or how to behave in civilization.

They tended to believe that wolves were born and created to hunt, to kill and to conquer, nothing more than that. Love, friendship and acquisitions were merely human fetiches that shouldn’t be nourished.

However, as time passed, they were forced to hide more and more, since most wolves on the continent seemed to start following and agreeing with the rules created by the Royal House.