A World with no Name

When the 81 worlds emerged from the war, they all took what they could.

This world had obtained the simplest fragment. Yet even with its simplicity, it contained within all aspects of the universe.

It was specifically because this fragment was so simple, that it contained within it infinite possibilities. This fragment was the one closest to the source.

Because of this, the inhabitants never bothered to give it a name. This was simply "The World" and it was on the others to name themselves.

Had the worlds remained infinite, perhaps they would be all similar in nature to this one.

At first, it was a blank and empty world. 5,400 years later, it created a copy of heaven. 5,400 more years and the north, east, south, and west were created. 5,400 more years later, the essence of heaven was sent down and the essence of earth went up. Both were intermixed, and soon, the first soul was born.

He wandered far and wide, until he took his first strand of immortal Qi into his body.


When I jumped into that eye, the wormhole, I realized I had fallen into an infinite tunnel. Before my vision stretched into infinity, I shot a blast from my third eye, and the beast roared in pain before being pushed out of the tunnel. Whether it was killed or not, I do not know.

Pushed across the river of space, we were shot out at different angles at the end of the stream. Poor Cyrek, he was so happy to see me, just for us to lose each other.

Tera, that woman, I hoped to see her once more. I was going to find her again, I promise.

She needed to get her ass kicked for cutting me down like that.

When I was shot out of the tunnel, I was greeted to a nice blue sky, and luxurious and vibrant land below. I could tell, it pulsed with an energy far greater than the other worlds. We must have been pushed somewhere down the 81 worlds, for heaven's suppression was far lessened here. To know where I was exactly within, I would need the ability to swim through space.

"That was terrifying. Do not take such unnecessary risks in the future." Au-ha sounded shaky.

"There's nothing that special about traveling through space, it's honestly pathetic to not be able to." The Lord of Stars sounded prideful.

I fell from the sky. Still a massive being of Alloy. Unfortunately, I could no longer control this body without the world's strength assisting me, and I fell helplessly like a sack of rocks.


Down Below

"Damn You, Zhu Gen!" a boy in a green robe with yellow accents gritted his teeth. This boy was named Mo Wen, and he was furious at his rival clan's young master. A Clan with a long, boring rivalry with his. A clan that pressed their boot on his clans throats time and time again.

Before it all, when they were just kids, Zhu Gen was discovered to be a grade A talent, while Mo Wen was just a D grade. Absolute night and day.

Then, they were screwed out the inheritance of the Snow Tiger! The Zhu clan claimed it would compete fairly after a month's time. A month later, they already had everything within! They claimed their young master accidentally fell in, and sent the clan to retrieve him, how could they know he would get the inheritance?

Second, Zhu Gen crushed Mo Wen in the Western annual tournament, where clan rankings were partially determined by how well the youth of the clan did, especially the young masters, who received the lion's share of the resources. A single "Snow tigers claw" opened his chest into four slashes. His dantian chilled, Qi struggled to flow, and he was instantly rendered defeated. What a terrible humiliation. His clan was considered the weakest of the western four, soon enough, it may be reverted back into a tribe.

Finally, this sorry bastard just stole Mo Wen's Childhood crush, a servant girl by the name of Jia. It was no secret to anyone that Mo Wen had a massive infatuation with the servant, constantly calling upon her, visibly red and stuttering when facing her. When she walked in on the sensual acts she was performing upon his arch rival, he ran away in tears.

Now, to restore his honor, he called upon a formal duel. It was a sad sight from the get go. Zhu Gen had brought Jia, along with his other women. Many young clansmen stood behind him, serving as an entourage and group of hype men.

Mo Wen was alone.

Right now as he was cursing, Zhu Gen was currently making out with Jia, which was breaking the other boys heart.

"Ahh," he broke the kiss. "You were saying?" he raised an eyebrow, a cocky and handsome man. He never considered this child his rival. He was of the number one clan in the west, and they would one day, under his leadership, hope to break into the central mountain, where the nine mightiest clans stood.

He could only laugh at the nerve of this boy, to consider him his rival. To Zhu Gen, this was just a way to prop his ego when it was low, a way to get some laughs in an otherwise laugh-less life.

However, he secretly envied Mo Wen, a simple boy he had known since youth, a part of the weakest clan in perhaps the weakest region. There was no pressure placed upon Mo Wen, he was not expected to lead the tribe into prosperity, he was not expected to achieve perfection in all things.

"You have no honor!" Mo Wen pointed a finger, "You use your status and strength to step upon others! You take what you want without asking! Shameful! Pathetic!"

"Thank you." Zhu Gen actually took these as compliments.

When Mo Wen started crying, it became less entertaining. Always a crybaby, ever since he was a child. Perhaps this boy would never grow up, never lose his innocence. These days, the pressure Zhu Gen faced from his parents was immense, and he had no more time for fun lately.

"Mo Wen," he sighed "Why don't we end this already? I won't have time to continue playing together in the future."

He raised a hand, and the phantom of a large snow tiger's claw smashed toward him. Another instant defeat, as his chest split open, and his qi flow was disrupted by the chill. Zhu Gen looked imperceptibly sad before turning around, briskly walking away.

He had always somewhat considered the boy a friend, and even though he seemed to bring him hell, it was all for the purpose of making him realize his ambitions were too high. That he should live a comfortable life as a leader of a simple clan. This woman, Jia, had been having sexual relations with members of Mo Wen's own clan, as well as the three others. Her sexual feats were legendary to the young men in the region. Mo Wen, a picture of sorry innocence, did not believe the rumors for a second.

This was the best way to get him to move on. Zhu Gen was a cocky, arrogant, defiant being, but he did have a soft heart deep down, at least for the few that earned his respect. Mo Wen, in all his annoying innocence, never once tried to make use of Zhu Gen's status or ability, unlike almost everyone else.

The Zhu clansmen all laughed and mocked the limp body of the Mo clan leader. Jia herself began to feel a crushing guilt, as he lay there weakly. She slowly trailed behind Zhu Gen as she continued to turn and look at Mo Wen, hoping he might get up.

He did not. He simply stared at the sky smiling sadly at his fate, as a metallic giant pierced through space and fell onto the earth.

The Poor boy was instantly crushed. Dead.

He could have moved, but chose not to.


The landing was pretty cozy, as I nested inside the metal giant. I took my normal form again. Light red blood-alloyed skin, a tail, and lightning coating my body in a cloak. I was inside the giant's stomach, and cut a clean hole out with my lightning blade fingers.

I took my first step into the new world. First, I noticed how fresh and warm the air felt, it was the nice breeze of Qi flowing through the world.

Second, I noticed the girl crying on her knees, as some weird ghostly tiger claw shot at me. I was able to cut it in half very easily.

"..." Zhu Gen's eyes were wide open in a combination of fury and shock. Mo Wen, whom he had always considered one of the few friends he had, was completely crushed. His attack completely dispelled by a mysterious beast.

I casually spoke. "What's wrong?" as I saw a group of people backing away from me slowly. One looked at me like I just killed his son, and a woman was crying like I also killed her son.

Wait, did I kill somebody's son?

I had a bad feeling, and cautiously lifted the metal giant with one hand, revealing the splattered stain of a once-was human. Shit, I did kill somebody's son.

"Who is this?" I inquired to Au-ha.

"A very dead person." she replied sarcastically, "I don't have any records or databases of this world. But I can replay the last sounds heard in a location as they linger in the form of information. This Boy's name was Mo Wen, he had been in a feud with a Zhu Gen. Presumably one of the humans standing before you."

That was the first time I was hearing of this lingering information. But it wasn't like it was useful until now. This was a decent way of obtaining intel and gaining my bearings in a new world.

"What should I do?"

"Kill them. They're annoying and weak. For attacking you, you should give upon them death." why was the answer always murder with Big Star?

"It might be best just to kill them." Au-ha agreed, "But I know you would never. Just do what you always do."

What I always do? What did I always do?

I jumped down, cloaked in lightning. I still seemed to tower over most humans. I saw that many of them stared at my large swaying tail, but I was not willing to shrink it down, for some reason. It had been the only unchanged part of me from the start. My cloak of red lightning forming into a red robe. My skin was still a light red alloy, it appeared very similar to flesh already.

I raised my hands, and did what I always did, I guess.

"I'm sorry, that's my bad."