Sorry about that

The river of rebirth exists in a realm layered right on top of the many worlds. The river of time is also said to be layered on top.

Falling into the river is not a scary sensation, you feel a weightlessness, as the beautiful scenic and flickering landscape of spiritual beings and fauna are the first thing you see. I felt my soul still anchored above, as my body evolved.

My soul was perfecting, and it would perfectly overlap the body, and multiply my strength exponentially. I didn't know the exact cultivation level of the beast, but I could feel how my body was evolving.

With this anchor, I was able to glide over the river and trees. I could hear the feelings of Au-ha, but no longer the sound of her voice. Still, it was enough. She silently encouraged me.

I was searching for the Mo family. Likely, they would be near the end of the river. It took a lengthy time, but time here does not pass the same as in the many worlds. 10 years in here could be an hour out there.

I reached the end at last, where the waterfall fell into a basin. Innumerable souls were waiting at the end, waiting for their loved ones, so they may be reborn together.

It didn't take long to spot, the father and son were fishing on the river. They both emenaneted contentment and peace. They laughed, and joked.

"You could never catch a single fish as a kid, and it still hasn't changed even in death, hahahaha."

"Hmph, that's because I have a terrible teacher."

Mo Wan, the innocent boy that was crushed by me. It was hard to approach them, to intrude upon that small paradise they have before they take to the next life. My steps felt heavy, and that spiritual grass, through the forest. In this place, the soul was nourished. I felt a strange calm.

Footsteps broke the leaves behind them, they both turned, and looked at me. Both of them gestured to take a seat. I did, and looked at Mo Wan.

"I'm really sorry about that, brother." I explained. "That was all fucked up. Really. It was just bad luck for both of us."

He smiled an innocent and bright smile, "hehehe, I've heard of what you did to the clan in just a few months, you're amazing! Don't apologize." He gave a sly smirk. "Honestly, I could have moved in time, I saw it coming from a mile away. I don't know, at the time, I just didn't have the energy. Mentally."

"I don't regret my decision for a second." He stood up, and looked at me.

"Mo Star, you are a good brother of mine, and even in the next life, I will not forget you." he said, earnestly as a big brother.

Mo Yang clapped his hands on our shoulders, "My boys." and laughed happily, so happily, that tears were coming out. It was infectious, and both me and Mo wen started crying, and laughing.

All of us together, as close as a family.

In this place, souls would spend some time to nourish themselves in preparation for the next life. Mo Yang and Mo Wan were living in a nice wooden hut, made of spirited wood. It was a white-blue smooth- fading color.

We lived here together. We ate, We hunted, We fished, We spoke. In the nights we would make campfires and tell stories of our dreams, what'll happen in the next life.

And just like that, in the lands by the river of rebirth, the years went by. Time in this place crawled at its own pace.

I was sparring with Mo Wan.

"No, no, no. You can't lose your footing, that's, like, rule number one." I spoke.

"Then don't punch me." Mo Wan complained like this often. I could only laugh.

"Just focus on dodging, I'm not even trying that hard."

"Wooow, aren't you amazing, huh?" he mocked.

"Oi, this is for your next life, brother. Take it seriously. One day, I may find you once more."

Upon hearing this, Mo Wan broke into an even brighter smile and started trying harder.

Mo Yang was bathing in the sunlight nearby, as he heard his children train each other. What a wonderful life. Too bad it would never be real, and it would be forgotten as soon as they entered those waters.

My soul was nourished, and I trained Mo Wan in martial arts. He actually greatly preferred kicks, and was more of a kickboxer. As I huddled down and got in close to devastated them with strong punches and kicks, he leaned back and tested the opponent with long kicks and swift jabs.

It may seem pointless. But it is said that once a cultivator achieves immortality, severing themselves from the final laws of heaven, they remember every life they once lived. All of their attempts are now combined into one.

More years passed. We all sat and ate, the meat here was a strange metaphysical material that mimicked meat to nigh perfection. When the beast was slain, it was simply reborn again. This place was a paradise, but in its final irony, paradise was bound to be lost, and forgotten.

He asked me how Jia was, and I told her she was doing well. He asked me to deliver a message, but I told him she already knows.

We talked everyday, and trained everyday. There were many other souls, but they would forget my face as soon as they took the plunge.

Even more years, and they began to flicker and fade. They told me it was time for them to jump down into the basin.

"Star, little bro." Mo Wen was hugging me tightly, trying to keep it together and failing, crying and sniffling. "Promise me you will live a good life. And I promise you that If I reach immortality in the next life, I will find you, dear brother, haha." he gave a sad laugh, I hugged him tight.

"I love you, brother. I'm certain that in the next life, you will be born into riches, handsome and with plenty of women." We both laughed, as family would.

Mo Yang gave me a big bear hug. "Little Star, when you fell into our world that day, you changed our lives completely. At seemed quite bad at first, but it was no doubt for the better. These have been without a doubt the happiest years of my life." he began tearing up.

"Stay true to your path, and always know that you will have family out there."

I couldn't help but start weeping as I watched them go. Why? I wanted to jump into the river too, so bad at this moment. I saw them walk off together, side by side, looking back and waving to me, as they wandered into the end of the river.

I saw them jump into the basin, hand in hand. I sat there for a long time, watching others reunite, and jump in together. I saw some give up on waiting, and jump ahead alone. I saw some that came and would just as quickly go.

I pulled on the tether, and returned to my body. A wanderer once more.

First thing, I took a deep breath, which was smothered by the rope, I quickly cut it off and fell on the ground. The evolution had completed, somehow, in what was an instant on this world. Maybe because my soul had spent so many years in another. The slow perfecting of my soul was made even more immaculate by the cleansing and strengthening of the rivers of rebirth.

My arm had instantly regrown. It felt as if it had never left, I rotated and twisted it happily.

I looked the same , though I grew taller, and my jaw gained the strength of the Czar, my soul was perfected, and purified. It overlapped onto the body and multiplied my strength, speed, and defense many times over. The purification made my lighting bolts incredibly powerful and pure in energy. My magnesis was also amazingly amplified. The regeneration of my bloodline had increased, as I felt that unknown blood turn and boil.

The soul's perfection was made ever more perfect and pure.

An amazing upgrade, but still, I felt the void inside.

"Don't worry, you will find them again," Au-ha spoke. "And in the meantime, you always have me."

"Well, you have done something incredible. I can sense your soul strengthened many times over. Good job." The Lord was almost kind for once.

"Thank you. Both of you."

I took a deep breath, and decided to explore the world. I have been stuck in this western region for too long. It is very likely that Cyrek and Tera are on this world and I have yet to find them, they are clearly not in the west. So, it was time to head elsewhere.

First, the North.