Becoming the original owner

"Have a good rest after that you can attend the court." Qiang smiled and walked in another direction, vanishing in black shade.

Feng stared at Qiang in shock, gulping hard to believe his eyes. He got inside and closed the door, sighing in depression he brushed his hand through his soft black hair.

He steadily walks towards the big mirror which was placed in his room, staring at himself as he smirked.

At Least his appearance was attractive but why was his clothes so loose? His chest and muscles were all exposed, also his height was 188 cm.

He lay down on the bed , closed his eyes remembering the last thing he saw before dying in hopes to find some clue why his soul transmigrated.

But all he could see was his dead body covered in blood and street people crowding over him , but no one called the ambulance for aid and let him die. 'Geez! These heartless people , wait what is this...' He could see his body drowning in water, deep down where he saw a jade pendant. He picks up that jade pendant and there is a light flash and after that he could see nothing.

"Woah! Don't tell me that I am into world system game." A smile played on his lips thinking about the video games he used to play, now he was a character in that world system.

He gets up abruptly and looks around as if he was looking for something. And when he didn't find that he muttered,"Where is the system board ? At Least it has to tell me about this world and what missions I've!"

Suddenly there is a knock on his door interrupting him from his thoughts. He opened the door and a silver haired man appeared.

"Lord Zhong congratulations on defeating the monsters. It was refreshing to see your swordsmanship!" That man greeted him.

"I-I see, Thank you..."

That man's face sulked down, and with a depressed voice he complained," Okay, I'm sorry for interrupting your rest. Let's meet up in court."

And without even waiting for Feng's answer he disappeared.

"What is this court? And why am I supposed to meet everyone there?" In frustration Feng flopped on the bed. He was not sad because he died so suddenly but the situation he was in was a bit confusing.

And he didn't notice when his eyes closed and when he had a dream where someone was advising him to follow his heart's decision. And when he looked clearly at who the person was in his dream, he saw alluring beauty , she was like a fairy with red hair.

Tears rolled down his cheek, it was not Feng who was feeling hurt but it was the original owner's memories. But why would someone cry after seeing such beautiful scenery? That's what Feng thought but he was mistaken, the next second that beautiful fairy was converted into a monstrous looking creature. Her beautiful snow white skin turned black and her hair flowed like crimson red snakes. She glanced at him with her deadly red eyes giving him goosebumps.

"Oh my god!" Feng woke up in fear gasping for breath.

"My Lord, it's time for your court!"

Two of maids entered inside his room and started dressing him up lavishly. Before even Feng could stop them , he was already dressed in lose red robe with golden accessories. His long hair was loosely braided and hung alongside his shoulder, giving him a very charming look.

"But isn't this body...I mean I'm dressed so extravagantly. Thanks." Feng smiled awkwardly but the maids shivered in fear.

They fell on his feet and begged for mercy.

Feng rolled his eyes,'I wonder what this body's owner was like?' He tells them to get up and asks to show him all the way to court.

Although the maids didn't say anything, Feng could read their minds. They were confused because Feng was not using his teleportation power. He sighed and tried to use the body's power.

As he circled his finger in the air, a spinning red magical circle appeared which engulfed him and the next second he was in a large hall.

"Lord Zhong Xing Wang has arrived, the court will start giving its decision."

A loud announcement was made as soon as Feng appeared there. He saw two men, one who called himself Qiang and another silver haired man. And without bothering much he sat between them in the empty seat.

"Bring yourself in."

The announcement was made agan, maybe he can understand now what exactly was going on. If he was really in the netherworld then this court must be where dead souls received their hearings.

And it was indeed dead soul , at first Feng freaked out in terror. Because no matter how one thinks, he is still a 19 years old mortal in the body of an immortal deity.

Time passed by , and he seemed to be adjusting to his atmosphere. He was now able to use his powers and the behaviour of orginal owner's naturally crept into his head. He became heartless like how the original owner was , ruthless killer. Even more brutal than the original afterall the place he was living had no happiness , no kindness , no forgiveness... And there was no chance for him to get free from that body.

So why not become the original? He smirked evilly, slashing the heads of dead souls who were not accepting his decisions.

He was the first lord of the underworld magistrate court, every soul has to accept his hearing no matter if it's cruel.

And one day something strange happened in the netherworld.

"Lord , one human is giving you sacrifice."

One of the servants whispered in his ear.

This caught his attention. Since when he was the one receiving sacrifices.

It has been three months since he came there and nobody asked him for anything, except for one request..

The first request was simple:

Kill all of those disgusting souls with a single slash.