Marriage with mortal

There were strange rumours spreading in the netherworld. Some mortals who possess magic skills were giving Zhong Xing Wang a sacrifice.

"These mortal creatures are too much! I wonder what he is sacrificing to me,"Zhong murmured, glancing at the trembling soul.

He raised his hand and red energy started flowing, which sucked the soul in it.

Qiang rushed inside his room in a hurry, for a few seconds he hesitated to say anything but then seeing Zhong seriously he replied casually, "Brother it's bad, that mortal performed a very powerful ritual and offered his daughter to you as sacrifice. Also I don't know how it's possible but if you accept his daughter you'll have to fulfil whatever that mortal wishes for."

"What?" Zhong gets up abruptly and storms outside in the direction of the dead river, where dead souls arrive after dying.

Zhong knew that if the sacrifice was made, the soul of the mortal's daughter would travel there.

He had no time to waste, if he made that soul return as soon as possible then that mortal's daughter would live. No matter how cold hearted he has become,the heart of mortal Feng is still beating in his chest.

But when he arrived by the river, his eyes opened wide. That sacrificial daughter of mortals was not dead, she was alive.

Qiang pulled his hair in frustration as he complained,"How is this even possible?"

"G-Greetings m-my L-Lord , I'm Yu Yan."

That woman bowed and got down from the boat.

Zhong could see her trembling hands, she must be really scared. And right now Guang was not here, he was the only deity who can send the living being back to the mortal world. Zhong and Qiang were only punishers, their work evolved around killing and deciding whether a soul is to be reincarnated or not.

Zhong looks at his brother. "What should we do?"

Qiang thinks for a moment before whispering into his ears ,"Brother if you don't send her back as soon as possible you'll be bonded with her. And then the thing that we call it, marriage will happen!"

Zhong clenched his fists in anger, he was internally cursing Guang. Like he disappeared when he was needed.

"There is another way, kill her ."

Zhong's face turned pale when he heard that suggestion. How can he kill someone who has not done anything? She was literally forced to be sacrificed , it was not a choice to travel all the way to the netherworld.

"P-Please don't k-kill me..." That woman muttered sobbing.

Seeing sobbing, Qiang sarcastically commented, "Woah, look at her. Acting all innocent, I wonder how she was able to travel to the netherworld... weren't you scared?"

"I-I am scared of g-ghosts.."

"Keep quiet, your muttering voice is making me sick." Qiang unsheathes his sword and walks towards her but Zhong stops him.

"I-I will get married to her... don't kill her. She is innocent!" Qiang gasped in shock after hearing those forgiving words , he tried to confront but was given a cold glance instantly.

__ __ __ __

The palace was decorated with bright red lanterns and with a few rituals Zhong Xing and Yu Yan took the marriage bows. There was not much celebration as it was not something to be happy upon. Dark clouds hovered over the palace, signalling the arrival of destruction.

Zhong walks inside the marriage chamber where Yu Yan was waiting for him.

"Sleep well." He wished and was about to leave the room when suffering Yu spoke.

"P-Please sleep with me, L-Lord."

A bewildered Zhong looks apprehensively at his newly wed wife. He knows that he has some duties towards his wife which he should fulfil but isn't it unfair. She was unhappy throughout the marriage , like who would be happy to get married with a vicious god who can kill her anytime.

Unable to gauge her intention, he only stares at her cluelessly. He could not understand why that woman was going so far to get him. She clutches on his arms with her delicate hands and murmurs ,"P-Please..."

Zhong stepped closer,"Do you know what you're asking for?"

She nodded her head and started undressing herself without any hesitation.

Yu Yan removed her jewellery one by one and set them next to the bed . Zhong gazed at her silently...

While she pulled down her robe revealing her white shoulders and cleavage.

Seeing in that state, Zhong couldn't stop himself...he knelt on the bed and pulled her robe down exposing her bare chest.

She shuddered in embarrassment but not opposed his actions.

He caressed her tense body feeling the warmth of the woman. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her soft skin. She smelled like rose, his hands instinctively slid under her skirt which was covering her lower body. He felt her shiver but ignored, maybe because he also wanted that_infact he was enchanted by her beauty when he first saw her.

He pulled her last piece of clothing and she didn't even stop him.


He groaned as his fingers entered her deepest core. Her body twitched and jerked in pain as she gasped for air.

"Fuck it, I can't hold anymore."