The passion of anger

"What alpha Lorenzo loves someone else," marcel asked her in a shocked voice because he hadn't heard about it. that was rare to fall for someone else who is not your mate

"didn't you see the beautiful woman linking to his arms," Aria said in jealousy and marcel shake his head, he knew that aria was being possessive and this was natural but Aria wouldn't accept this

"you are so stupid, she must be his whore. Don't you know that alphas are not allowed to marry anyone else apart from their mate" marcel informed her and she looked at him with wide eyes but composed herself soon.

but she thought that the way Lorenzo treat Samantha was something special that irked Aria to a greater extent.

"whatever she is in his life but I don't want him, I was scared of him since childhood and now fate plays a game with me and made me his mate" aria said with tear-filled eyes and marcel was unable to understand her friend because alpha Lorenzo is every woman dream and here Aria loathe him

" What is wrong with you Aria, you are going to be luna of this pack and you are crying, you are very lucky" marcel tried to reason with her but once Aria made her mind then no one could understand it

"I don't want to be the luna, I only wanted a loving mate who would die for me and Lorenzo is not what I wanted so end this stupidity, I will do anything to force him to reject me," Aria said with conviction in her voice but only marcel knows that Aria was in deep shit if she tried to provoke alpha

He couldn't do anything to save her friend because he doesn't hold that power and Aria was special to him because he had a certain soft corner for her but now he knows that he had no chance because Aria turned out to be the mate of Lorenzo.

And no one could take what's Lorenzo and now Aria was in his possession.

Marcel hugged aria and they both stayed in each other embrace, Aria's emotions were overflowing and nothing made sense to her. she was finding comfort from marcel and she was just about to break the hug when the door opened and revealed Lorenzo, Aiden and Samantha

Aria immediately broke the hug and she felt guilty even though she does nothing wrong, Lorenzo was looking at her in anger but didn't say anything. Lorenzo was fighting his anger for the girl who was accidentally his mate.

Lorenzo was not interested in meeting Aria but Samantha forced him to come with her because she wanted to give gifts to Aria that she personally designed for her and Aiden wants to keep an eye on her sister so he accompanied Samantha and Lorenzo.

But then Aiden opened the door he didn't expect what he sees and he knows that Aria was doomed but he couldn't let his sister be a predator to Lorenzo's anger

"I think I should go," Marcel said and he got scared looking at the angry gazes of Lorenzo and Aiden

Marcel looked at Aria for the last time and left the room and creating havoc in aria's life.

"I didn't know Aiden that your sister has an admirer and they look good together," Samantha said in a happy tone unaware of the fact that the two men present in the room were seething in anger.

Aiden looks at angry Lorenzo and he had to step up and control the mess that her sister is creating

"it's nothing like that Samantha, Marcel is a childhood friend of Aria and they both are like brother and sister and anyways aria is waiting for her mate," Aiden said with a fake smile to control the situation

"Marcel is not like my brother, he is my best friend and I don't need to explain my relationship status to anyone else, may I know the reason for the mass gathering in my room," Aria said sarcastically particularly looking at Samantha because for some unknown reason she didn't like her

Lorenzo and Aiden didn't like the way Aria responded but Samantha ignored her because she thought that Aria was a spoilt child.

" think before you speak to her," Lorenzo said gritting his teeth securing his arms possessively around her and Samantha's heart swelled seeing the love of Lorenzo but their love affection was not liked by aria and Aiden who was burning in jealousy of love

"I am not obliged to care for the feelings of alpha's whore" Aria said to Samantha and there was complete silence in her room. Aria was not a girl to hurt anyone else but her anger towards Lorenzo was clouding her vision and she hurt the poor soul Samantha

Nobody was expecting such words from Aria and Samantha couldn't control her tears and ran out of the room because she didn't believe that she was called whore behind her back

Samantha truly loved Lorenzo and the tag of whore was hurting for her soul and mind

"what the hell is wrong with you Aria, she is not whore" Aiden said angrily to his dear sister who doesn't realize that she invited her own death

"Aiden go and take care of Samantha. I think your sister needs to learn how to talk. Your love spoiled her for the worst" Lorenzo said to him in his hard tone and his eyes are constantly trained on Aria who still doesn't know what she has done to anger both the men

" alpha she is a kid, I will make her understand" Aiden kind of begged for her dear sister but Lorenzo made up his mind. he gave a look to Aiden that was enough for him to understand

He left the room but he was internally praying for her little sister who dug her own grave. Lorenzo closed the door and then looked at aria in anger.

"Why did you close the door," Aria asked getting scared because Lorenzo looked at her with a murderous gaze

"How dare you bring tears into the eyes of the woman who I love the most" Lorenzo asked her in a deadly voice and advance his steps in her direction.

Aria was scared but hearing the words of Lorenzo was making her angrier. She still didn't understand what was so special in Samantha that he was taking her side

"Alphas like you only know how to keep whores, loving a woman is not what you do," Aria said to him bravely, she was behaving strangely today and whenever Lorenzo took his side of Samantha, it anger her the most.

Aria took a step back with Lorenzo every forward step

" Tonight I will show you how alphas like me treat the women like you," he said in a dangerous manner and capture aria between him and a wall.

The passion of anger was burning inside both of their hearts