Last warning

Aiden run after Samantha who was heartbroken and they both reached outside the mansion. There was complete silence on the lawn

Adrian hold Samantha's hand and pull her towards him, she collided with his chest and then Aiden saw the tear stricken face of her

"Samantha, what is all this," he asked her raising her chin, he could see anything in this world but he can never see tears in Samantha's eyes, she is the woman he love with all his heart and seeing her like this broke her heart

"Is this what people think about me that I am Lorenzo's whore, is this my position in front of your sister's eyes?" she asked him looking at his brown eyes and Aiden felt that something broke inside his heart

Samantha was innocent, she loved Lorenzo without asking for any position in his life but she never want to be associated as his whore

"no one thinks about you like this, everyone knows that you are Lorenzo's heart and Aria is a kid so don't take her personally," Aiden said cupping her cheek and they both felt electricity inside their heart

They both looked at each other without blinking their eyes, Samantha felt cherished in Aiden's world and if this same thing was told by Lorenzo then she would be the happiest person

She was hurt that Lorenzo was not the one who came after her but Aiden was always there whenever she felt dejected

"Aria is not a kid, haven't you seen the fire in her eyes and did you notice that Lorenzo was looking at her continuously and dancing with her" Samantha said and Aiden at that point didn't know how to react because he can't tell the reality to Samantha.

Aiden knew that he was doing the wrong by hiding such an important thing about aria being his mate fo Lorenzo but he wants Samantha and he couldn't get her until her heart is itself broken by Lorenzo

"Lorenzo loves you and this is the reality and do not doubt him ever," he said to her wiping her tears which were bothering him to the greater extent

"now smile for me," he said to her and she gave me meek smile

"did anyone tell you that you are the most beautiful woman and any man would be stupid to deny you" Aiden complimented her and then the sweet smile appeared on Samantha's lips. Aiden was satisfied with his work because nothing was more important to him than Samantha's smile

It was chilly outside so Aiden took off his coat and wrap it around Samantha who was happy by this sweet gesture. She knew Lorenzo love her but he never does a small thing like Aiden to make her happy.

In the initial days, Samantha was inclined towards Aiden until she met Lorenzo. It was love at first sight for her when she met Lorenzo, their relationship progressed and the soft corner she had for Aiden vanished in thin air but this was the secret that she kept locked inside her heart.

"do you want to have some ice cream," Aiden asked her and she nodded her head and clutched the coat tightly around her body

Aiden didn't want to take her inside because he wanted to spend some time alone with her and this opportunity was best for him to make Samantha realize how much she loves her but Samantha was lost in her own world.

Aiden took Samantha in her car to the ice cream parlour and he completely forget about her sister who was with the devil that was ready to suck her soul. All he could see was how to get the love of Samantha and he took the right opportunity to ignite the love that he always wanted.


"what are you doing leave me alone" Aria begged in front of Lorenzo who has captured her in between the wall and him.

His closeness was affecting her and her heart was beating rapidly, it seemed like any moment her heart would come out of her chest

"what if I don't leave you, what are you doing to do," he asked her in a dangerous voice and inhaled her neck

"Stop doing that, I am not your whore like Samantha," Aria said and this angered Lorenzo, he initially thought not to hurt her but her sharp tongue was forcing him to take some extreme measures.

Lorenzo went close to her lips and stare at her eyes. those cherry lips were provoking him to do the deeds which he didn't want to do. He closed his eyes and controlled the lust that was building deep inside his heart.

Lorenzo was the man of control but he never thought that a petite woman could make him feel certain things that he never felt but he knows that Aria was not meant to be his because he promised Samantha the eternity of love and he was the man of his words

"Samantha is the queen of my heart but are you sure that you are not my whore because I can easily make you one," he said to her with a smirk and aria gulped

"I am not your whore and will never be. I don't care what Samantha is in your life and neither I care but tell her to stay away from me because I don't like that girl" Aria said boldly to her and Lorenzo maintained a certain distance from her

He looked at the petite woman who had the courage to raise her voice against me. Lorenzo always heard that Aria was a soft-natured girl but he was surprised to see the hatred in her eyes.

Lorenzo traced her lips with his calloused finger and the feeling he felt inside his heart is different and cannot be explained in words.

Aria was shocked to see his bold action and she couldn't control it.

"control your sharp tongue because it is going to bring a lot of trouble in your life, little one and take it as a last warning that does not speak ill of Samantha otherwise it doesn't take a second for me to destroy me. I am forgiving you this time" Lorenzo said to her and pinched aria's lips that she gasped in pain

Lorenzo was in the mood to punish her but his mind changed when he looked into aria's mesmerizing eyes which screamed innocence.

He was not a man of sympathy but for the first time he showed it to Aria