Love in morning

Lorenzo's lips curved in a beautiful smile when he feel Samantha's wet hair on his face. He opened his eyes and looked at the beauty in front of her. Samantha was looking beautiful in her yellow sundress which had every thin strap. She was indeed a sight to watch, her wet hair enhanced her beauty

Lorenzo pulled her on top of her and captured her in his arms

"you are the most beautiful sight that I can never get tired of," Lorenzo said in her husky voice and pecked Samantha's lips.

"But I am angry at you," she said and made a pout of her plump lips, Lorenzo chuckled seeing her childish behavior

"why my baby is angry at me" Lorenzo cooed in her ear and Samantha looked in her eyes with a complaint

"you didn't come after me when I was insulted, it's Aiden who took care of me" she complained and Lorenzo released Samantha from her grip and sit on the bed, this rude behaviour of Lorenzo always disappoint Samantha.

Samantha stood up and looked at the frustrated and she was thinking that what she had done wrong to anger me

"Samantha I am really not interested in talking about yesterday's event," Lorenzo said in her cold voice because whenever he thought about last night, Aria's face flashes in front of her

"Relationships are not only about having sex, sometimes we have to take care of other people's feelings. When will you show your affection towards me" Samantha questioned him with tears in her eyes and Lorenzo face palmed himself

Because this is the last thing he wanted this morning. Lorenzo get up from the bed and went close to Samantha

"When did I not show affection towards you, I take care of your needs and if you want me to come after you like a lovesick puppy then I am not going to do it. I am alpha of this pack and not some Romeo who would look after you every second" Lorenzo said suppressing his anger because he doesn't like to be questioned.

There was no doubt that he loved Samantha but his power and authority would always be his first priority

"so you don't mind that little bitch told me whore" Samantha said in anger and this wasn't the language that she used to speak but she was hurt.

"who you called little bitch" Lorenzo said taking threatening steps towards her and Samantha surprised to see him like this t" Lorenzo said taking threatening steps towards her and Samantha surprised to see him like this

"she insulted me, Lorenzo," Samantha said getting scared and Lorenzo halted in his steps when he realized that he took a stand for Aria and that wasn't good for him

"I didn't mean to scare you but Aria comes under my pack protection so watch your mouth before you talked to any of my pack members," he said to her in an authoritative tone.

Samantha was surprised to hear this from Lorenzo's mouth because she clearly remembered that once, one of the pack members talked rudely with Samantha and Lorenzo killed that woman on the spot then why he was behaving differently when this time Aria insulted her

Aria was a beautiful woman and there is no denial in it but now she got jealous of him because she escaped the punishment of Lorenzo

"so you haven't punish that girl," Samantha asked him and Lorenzo looked at her with a bored expression

"she is just a kid of 20 years and you are a grown-up woman so let his matter slide and I promise this situation won't occur again," Lorenzo said cupping her cheek and Samantha's heart soften

She didn't want to further stretch the matter because clearly Lorenzo was not in the mood and maybe he is protecting aria because of Aiden.

She didn't doubt Lorenzo's feelings for her once because he has been faithful for many years and she knew it too well that she shouldn't push Lorenzo's limits because his anger brought out the best in him

"I love you Lorenzo and you are the whole reason for my existence and I trust you that you won't let anyone insult me again," she said to him and pull him over in a passionate hot kiss.

She nibbled on his lower lips and Lorenzo thrust his tongue inside her and tasted every inch of her mouth. Lorenzo pulled her closer so that Samantha's soft body collided with his hard one. the kiss deepened by Lorenzo.

Samantha forgot all her complaints and got lost in kiss of Lorenzo. They broke the kiss when they got satisfied.

Lorenzo started to tease Samantha's body but she stopped him and Lorenzo arched his eyebrow towards him because he was not going to take a denial.

"I want you too but I organized something special for us so come down," she said to him and Lorenzo shake her head because he got blue balls and Samantha was looking so fuckable in her yellow dress

"can't your surprise wait until we do a quick sex," he said to her and Samantha gave him a toothy grin and satisfied that she still had control over Lorenzo

"baby, we both know that sex with you would take a long time because of your insatiable needs," she said to him and before Lorenzo could capture her again, she ran from his room like a kid

Lorenzo shake her head with a smile and went to take a long shower because Samantha aroused his sexual needs.

Aria woke up after a tiring night and saw a beautifully wrapped gift on her bed site, she loved surprised she sat on the bed and took the gift in her hand

'to my beautiful princess'

She read the slip and happiness spread on her face because it was sent by her brother. She immediately opened the gift and found a beautiful red dress inside, it was an off-shoulder dress that falls on her mid-thigh. She was admiring the dress but got startled by the knock on her door

"maria come inside and look how beautiful this dress is," Aria said with a beautiful smile and maria entered inside but she was looking sad

Aria was so lost in her happiness that she doesn't notice that her caretaker and her mother figure was upset about something.