Ready to live with Lorenzo

"Is everything alright?" Aria asked maria who entered the room with a tray of food in her hand, and she looked sad

"have your breakfast," Maria said to her in a dull tone and put the breakfast on the bed and turned around to leave the room, aria was surprised to see this reaction from Maria who behaved very differently today

Aria was happy due to the dress she received as a gift but maria didn't say anything about it and moreover, she looked different today like aria doesn't matter to her.

"Maria where are you going," Aria asked her and she turned around and look at her with hatred.

Aria could take anything in this world but she couldn't tolerate the hatred in the eyes of her loved ones. She had only a few people in her life who matters to her.

Aria got up from the bed kept aside the dress and hold Maria's hands in her

"did I do anything to offend you," she asked her with her innocent eyes and Maria shook her head negatively

"I love you Aria lie my own daughter but yesterday I released that you are an ungrateful child, your brother sacrificed everything for you and in return, you declined his demand" maria said in an unbelievable tone

"what do you mean by this" Aria asked in a slow tone unaware of the fact that Maria knows everything that happened tonight

"Alpha Lorenzo is your mate and you have to accept him, do you know that if you don't go to his house then Aiden will be in trouble. You can't deny the alpha's order Aria" Maria said to her putting a hand on her shoulder

Aria was hurt to hear this and she looked at maria with her teary eyes

"he doesn't want me and I don't want him then why would I leave in his house, he just wants to make me his doll and I can't give up like this. I love Aiden but not once did he thinks about me" aria said to her and tears slipped from her eyes

Maria knew that aria was not wrong and she had every right to take the decision of her life but she also knew that Aria's fate is sealed with Lorenzo and not nothing can be done now.

"you are given all the luxury since birth due to Lorenzo and his one move will destroy you and Aiden, think about your brother and go to Lorenzo's house" Maria advised her because she knew that this is the only option left

Aria was angry and hurt at the same time that why the people she loved couldn't understand her because she wasn't the woman who could be dominated by men and she agreed with all the things that Maria said.

"you want me to go to him knowing that another woman is leaving with him In his house, you want me to sacrifice my happiness," Aria asked her being emotional and maria closed her eyes seeing her beautiful princess tears.

"sweetheart I am not saying to accept him but you can stay in his house, it's not a big deal. You, yourself said that Lorenzo loved someone else then you don't have to worry. Lorenzo only wanted you and Aiden to live with him because of the enemies" maria reasoned with her but only Aria knew that he hated Lorenzo and living with him under one roof is nothing but torture for him.

All Aria wanted was to find someone else to love because Lorenzo wasn't the mate she wanted in her life and this couldn't be possible if she stayed with Lorenzo who would not allow her to live freely.

Aria closed her eyes and thought rationally, she could stay in Lorenzo's house if this is what Aiden wanted. Aria wasn't selfish she could do anything for her brother.

For her living in Lorenzo's house is not a big deal but following his order is his. Lorenzo had a dominating aura and aria hated to be dominated by anyone else. She wondered why the moon goddess paired her with a man like Lorenzo

"I will have my breakfast with my brother," she said to her with a defeated tone and maria patted her head

"I am proud of you, do you know that you are just like your mother. She was a soft-hearted woman and could do anything for the family just like you" Maria said with a smile on her face and aria smiled a little due to her comparison with her mother

Maria left her alone and she succeeded in her work to persuade aria.

Aria sighed defeated and took a long shower to clear her mind but there was one thing that she was afraid of that how could she see Lorenzo and Samantha together. She didn't love him and but still, their closeness affect him then how would she stay under one roof with them

She shut off her mind from all the negativity and made up her mind. she was a strong girl and she found the opportunity in this to make Lorenzo reject her and the sinister smile covered her lips because she thought she got the perfect plan.

She wore the dress that Aiden gifted her and she looked at herself in the mirror and she looked beautiful. She made a high ponytail and applied lipgloss. She didn't need much of makeup because she looked beautiful with her bare skin.

She left the room with smile on her face and reached aiden room. as she entered the room she noticed that her brother was ready in his blue shirt paired with balck trouser and he was looking outside the window.

"aiden I am hungry, lets go and have nbreakfast" Aria said to her brother in cheerful tone and aiden turned around and looked at her with comnfused expression

Aiden thought that aria must be upset with him but she stood in front of him with a happy face. Aria entered the room and hugged her brother who was quite surprised

"I know I am trouble to you but I really love you. You are the only man in my life who I know will never hurt me" Aria poured her heart out and then broke the hug and looked straight into her brother's eyes

Aiden gulped seeing the trust of her sister because there would come a time when he was going to break it. Aria would hate him if she got to learn about Aiden's plan.

But Aiden believed that sometimes happiness comes after extreme pain and hurt.

"I love you too Aria and I couldn't take any wrong decision regarding you," he said to aria and looked in her eyes lovingly.

"After breakfast, we can go to Lorenzo's house but my life would not be changed, my lifestyle would be the same and no one can choose for me and one more thing that I am doing everything only because of you" aria made herself clear and Aiden finally sighed in relief that everything was falling into the right place.

"and thank you for your present, how I am looking in it," aria said twirling around her dress in happiness. Aiden bought the gift for her because he knew that his sister loved dresses and he would do anything to make her happy

"you are looking like a princess," he said admiring her sister's beauty.

Aiden knew that it was too much for Aria that in one night her life was turned down. after all, she was just a pampered girl who didn't know the complexity of life.

Samantha served Lorenzo his favourite breakfast and there was a lot of maid in the house but sometimes Samantha loved to cook for her love.

"I told you, Samantha, that I don't like you doing any work, you are the queen of this packhouse," Lorenzo said seeing the dishes in front of him, he loved oysters but he didn't like Samantha in the kitchen

"this is my way of showing love to you" Samantha said with a smile and sat in front of Lorenzo

"where is Emily," he asked her to have a bite of his oyster

"she didn't come home last night," Samantha said in a slow tone knowing the anger of Lorenzo whose eyes twitched in disappointment.

Lorenzo lived in his house with his sister Emily, Samantha and lots of maids. He didn't share a good relationship with his father so he stayed away from him and he lost his mother in childhood but he dearly loves his sister who hardly got home

He needed to find out what was going on with his sister because recently he lost the track of his sister due to his heavy schedule of work

"what is she doing here" Samantha said looking at the woman who made her cry and danced with the love fo her life

Lorenzo got out of his trance hearing Samantha voice and looked at the direction of her eyes. he turned his head and saw aiden with aria who wasn't looking much happy

But Lorenzo lisp twitched in mocking miel because he thought that aria would never come. he realized that it wasn't easy to understand this girl who became his possession