Kneel down in front of your Luna

Aria hated to see the smirk on Lorenzo's face but she is doing all this for Aiden.

She loved her brother and for me, she could do anything

"What are you doing here" Samantha said to Aria in a sour mood and she didn't like the presence of her

Aria rolled her eyes at the way Samantha was looking at her.

"Aria and Aiden are going to stay with us in this packhouse," Lorenzo said in a flat tone without caring about Samantha who was burning in anger and jealousy.

Lorenzo couldn't see the hatred in Samantha's eyes for Aria because he was too focused to look at Aria who was looking beautiful in a red dress but the dress was too revealing.

Lorenzo didn't like the idea that on the way to the packhouse, a lot of men looked at her in a bad way. He clenched his fist at the thought of it

"I don't mind if Aiden living with us but I can't allow this girl to live with us," Samantha said taking a strong stand and Aria got angry at her insult.

She knew that she did wrong by saying mean things to Samantha but it was true.

The questions kept on bugging Aria's mind that Samantha was not Lorenzo's mate then why she was staying with him?

But only conclusion she drew from it was that Samantha was his slut but last night Lorenzo made it clear that Samantha is special to him.

She didn't approve of their relationship and the inclination of Aiden toward Samantha made her angrier.

Aria got angry with the thought Samantha had two most strong men in her clutches.

"And who are you to stop me from staying here," Aria said with a humorous chuckle and all the three pairs of eyes looked at her bravery.

"This is my house" Samantha said with full confidence and there was a feeling of pride in her voice

Aria was going to say something but Aiden put his hand on his shoulder to stop her from saying anything mean but Aria didn't listen to him becAuse for some unknown reason she didn't like Samantha.

Their vibes didn't match with one another.

"This is alpha Lorenzo's house and I am also one of the pack house members and you can't stop me from staying here," Aria said in her strong voice and insulted Samantha

Tears slipped from Samantha's eyes at Aria's rude behaviour. Samantha was not sensitive girl but every word of Aria punctured her ego

Seeing tears in Samantha's eyes Lorenzo couldn't stop himself and got up from his seat in anger

"This is Samantha's house and you are no one to talk to your luna like this" Lorenzo said with authority and Samantha smiled at Lorenzo's words.

Lorenzo always gave him the respect and love she wanted but the heart of Aiden pained hearing Lorenzo's words.

Aiden wanted Samantha for himself but if she become her luna then his last chance of happiness would be destroyed.

Aria, on the other hand, felt jealous when Lorenzo said luna because rightfully she was the luna and it wasn't like she was interested in being the luna even though she hated Lorenzo but still when he called someone his luna, his wolf made a painful sound.

Since yesterday she felt different inside and for the first time she realised that she had anger issues in her and not even her Aiden also realised the same thing about his sister

"This is not my luna," Aria said in angry choice and Lorenzo advance his steps toward Aria and Aiden understood that this was not going to go well.

Samantha was happy that now Aria would learn her lesson, she thought that yesterday show mercy on her but today no one could help her.

Aria didn't realise the extent of Lorenzo's anger but Aiden knew that this time Aria did a grave mistake.

He stood as a shield in front of her sister and plead with Lorenzo not to hurt her but Lorenzo didn't like disrespect and Aria was doing the same thing which he hated the most.

"Aiden move," Lorenzo said clenching a fist in anger because the challenging look Aria gave him made him more irritated

"Alpha, she is innocent and she didn't know what she is doing, she is new to all this" Aiden said siding with her sister and Lorenzo looked at him angrily

"Beta Aiden, move aside and this is the order of your alpha," Lorenzo said in anger and with full authority. Aiden was forced to move aside because he vow to listen to the very order of his alpha

Aria gulped seeing Lorenzo's angry face but she put up a brave face because she didn't want to look, like a coward.

"You say sorry to her right now, otherwise" Lorenzo warned her and there was something sinister in his eyes that Aria couldn't see

"I pledge my loyalty to your alpha and not her, she is not my luna yet and our pack is known for our pride so I will not say sorry to anyone," Aria said in a proud manner and Lorenzo was quite impressed with her choice of words

But he couldn't let this go because Samantha was important to her.

"I am your alpha and I am ordering you to kneel in front of your would-be luna," Lorenzo said in a command

Aria wanted to fight for her self respect but she knew that she didn't stand a chance in front of Lorenzo, her alpha.

"Aria, do it what alpha is saying," Aiden said seeing the puzzle face of Aria

Aria hates Lorenzo but she could mt ignore the fact that he was his alpha and any disrespect towards him made her away from Aiden because rogues are not allowed to live in the packhouse

And Aiden was the only family of Aria and she didn't want to lose him.

Aria looked at the Samantha's face which was glowing like she has won some lotte