Club for best friend

Aria forwarded his steps towards Samantha and when she was going to bow her head, her shirt dress ridden but Aria wasn't aware of that

Aiden looked in another direction as he didn't want to invade the privacy of her little sister and Lorenzo looked at Aria with disgust and anger.

Lorenzo didn't approve of the clothing style of Aria and he was definitely going to do something about it soon

"I am sorry and I will not repeat my mistake again," Aria said kneeling herself down.

Samantha felt like a queen and she looked at Lorenzo with a bright smile on her face and Lorenzo reciprocated the feeling

Aria felt humiliated and it was clearly evident on her face.

"It's okay but hold your tongue when you talk to me," Samantha said in a proud tone and she only did this to make Aria know how much power Samantha hold in Lorenzo's life.

Lorenzo was satisfied that finally Samantha was happy and Aria knew her position in Lorenzo's life.

"Let's do breakfast," Aiden said to lighten the atmosphere but Aria lost her appetite due to her insult

"I don't feel like eating, can anyone show me my room," Aria said clearly not looking in good mood.

"Princess eat something, you haven't eaten anything since morning" Aiden cooed to her in a polite tone and Aria looked at her in anger because Aiden was the one who put her in such a condition.

"Aiden, I want to see my room," Aria said with a firm stand but Aiden knew this well that whenever Aria got upset she don't wat

"Let it be Aiden, she is a big girl and she can take care of herself. Stop treating her like a kid and now she is in packhouse where she can learn the art of manners" Samantha said and chuckled.

Aria and Aiden didn't like what she said but Aiden was so in love with Samantha that she couldn't say anything to disappoint her

On the other hand, Lorenzo was astonished to see the stubbornness of Aria and he decided that he would definitely do something to put sense into her mind.

Lorenzo called Josie his maid and told her to show him the room that he selected for Aria but Samantha interrupted.

"Show her the corner room," Samantha said and Lorenzo didn't care in which room Aria stayed.

As long as Aria stay away from him he didn't mind in which room she stayed. When Lorenzo first time saw Aria he understood that she was a little trouble maker but Lorenzo knew how to handle women like Aria.

Aria left with Josie but he vowed that she would take revenge for her insult to Samantha.

Josie took aria to the small room which has minimal

Furniture but has classic interior.

"I am not going to stay in this small room," Aria said in disgust because she only got the beat in life and now she had been given a small room in Lorenzo's room, she was disappointed and such small things affect her.

Aria was the girl who believed in materialistic things and this small room was a big issue for her

"Mam, this is the room allotted to you and I can't do anything about it and I think you should talk to Samantha mam because whatever happens in this packhouse she is the in charge of it" Josie suggested to her but pride of Aria was too big to talk to Samantha

"Bring my stuff here" Aria commanded her as a queen and Josie left.

Aria was frustrated since she come here but she wouldn't go to Samantha and beg her to give her a new room because her ego would not allow her to do this.

She looked around the room and her heart clenched that she had to stay here. When she lived in her mansion with Aiden, she had a big room and there she was treated like a princess but as she entered the house of Lorenzo, she was feeling inferior.

Soon Josie came with her luggage and helped her in setting the wardrobe.

Aria took a deep breath and motivated herself that she could live in this house and she didn't need to talk to anyone.

She kept on reminding herself that she was doing everything for Aiden.

She braced herself and took a long shower, after she slept because she had an important event at night so she wanted to take her beauty sleep.

Aria lay on the soft bed and she was grateful that at least the bed was comfortable and up to her liking.

After two hours

Aria woke up with a knock on her door and she groaned in sleep because she didn't like anyone disturbing her sleep.

She ignored it at first but there was again a knock on the door

She got up from the bed in a sour mood and open the door with force and she got surprised looking at the person in front of her

"Oh my god, Emily how are you," Aria said in excitement and hugged her beat friend who was the sister of Lorenzo

"I go to your mansion and then I got to know that you shifted in our house," Emily said in excitement and hugged her

Aria and Emily were both best friends for two years and they both shared a good bond with each other.

"I am angry at you, why didn't you come yesterday to my party," aria asked Emily who pouted in response and entered Aria's room.

"I was coming to your birthday party but then something happened to me," Emily said in a sour mood and both the girl's sat in the bed

"What happened, you don't look good," aria asked because Emily was looking quite distracted.

Something unusual happened with Emily yesterday and that was the reason that she didn't come home yesterday because she was finding a solution to her problems