You are a coward

"We can take care of ourselves Lorenzo and we don't need Aiden," Emily said with stubbornness and at the right time Aiden enters the door.

"What is happening here," Aiden said when he saw tears on her sister's face and Aria hugged him.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes at the childish behaviour of Aria.

"I don't want to stay here," Aria said but she wanted or not but she had to stay in Lorenzo's mansion

"Aiden take care of both of them and mark my words nothing should happen to any one of them" Lorenzo made himself clear in a strict tone and Aiden nodded his head in agreement.

Emily looked at Aiden with an unknown expression on her face but Aiden avoided eye contact with her.

Lorenzo left for his work without even looking at Aria who was then sobbing.

"Aria baby, we will talk about this later and wait for a minute look at me" Aiden said in a serious tone and Aria broke the hug and looked at him

"What, "Aria said wiping her tears.

"You are looking beautiful in this dress," Aiden said because he knew he who win his sister's heart.

Aria got happy that at least someone praised her and still what Lorenzo said in haunting her mind.

She was perplexed that why Lorenzo's words are having such effects on him.

"Let's go, I will take you to shop and you can buy beautiful dresses for yourself," Aiden said pulling the cheek of her sister in a loving manner

"We are not going with you," Emily said because she wanted to avoid Aiden as much as possible due to the event that happened last night between them

Aiden looked at Emily in denial and clenched his teeth

"Alpha has already ordered and you are no one to decide," Aiden said with arrogance and Emily controlled her anger

No one dared to talk to Emily like that but Aiden was different. Alpha always treated him as his brother so he had all the liberty in the packhouse

"Wait let me go and take my purse," Aria said with a smile and excused herself leaving Emily and Aiden alone

An awkward experience was created between them and none of them knew how to start the conversation

"What tomorrow happened between you and I should not come to the knowledge of anyone," Aiden said all of the sudden in a serious tone.

Emily didn't like what Aiden said because yesterday they shared a passionate moment with each other.

Yesterday when Aiden come to drop Samantha off, then Emily collided with Aiden while she was going to Aria's birthday party and then they both got to know that they both are soul mates.

Emily was happy to know that at that moment Aiden lost himself and they both passionately kissed each other.

But when reality hit Aiden's mind then he realised that he did a mistake because he loves only Samantha.

Aiden didn't say anything to Emily yesterday after a kiss and left things hanging between them

"Are you ashamed of me?" Emily asked with tears in her eyes and her tears were bothering Aiden so he averted his eyes

"Maybe we are mate but I don't love you and I don't want anyone to find out about this"Aiden said in an emotionless tone and that broke Emily but she didn't show it on her face

"I also don't love you because I have someone else in my life and anyways you are just a beta and I am the alpha sister so there is a clash of status between us," Emily said with a smirk on her face and inside it, her heart is burning.

Aiden tolerated the insult Emily threw at him but he got irked when she talked about some other men. He knew that he shouldn't be affected by all this because he loved Samantha but he couldn't do anything to stop the mate bond.

"Reject me and fucking stop this nonsense," Emily said in anger but she also looked around to make sure that nobody listened to her.

"You and I both know that rejection doesn't happen in our packhouse. So bear with it and you don't have to stress on the matter that we are mate" Aiden said in a serious tone and Emily fumed in anger

"Fucking coward afraid that your rejection will lead to banishment" Emily muttered under her breath but loud enough for Aiden to hear.

Aiden got angered hearing this and pull Emily close to her body and her breath bitched in her throat.

"I am not afraid of my banishment but I am afraid that if I reject you then no other male accept you because no one wants to accept the rejected things" Aiden smirked and Emily's eyes got widened hearing the bold response of Aiden but she couldn't that this is the reality either she wanted it or not.

They both looked at each other eyes and the spark flowed between them and it got broken when they heard the footsteps.

Auden immediately pushed Emily who stumbled on her steps but composed herself soon

Aria comes in their direction unaware of the reality that in her absence lot of things happened.

"Let's go," aria said in excitement and they all left the mansion to go to the shopping mall

Aiden took the driver's seat, aria sat in the front and Emily sat at the back but she was still fuming in anger.

Emily was determined that she would make Aiden realise that by not accepting her he was doing a grave mistake.

On the other hand, Aiden was not happy with the fact that the moon goddess already decided on her second mate.

What would Aiden do?

Would he choose to run after Samantha to get her love or?

Would he accept her fate, Emily?

Each and everyone's life was tangled with one another and no one knows how to get untangled.