Please leave me alone!

Emily and Aria entered the expensive mall and Aiden was keeping an eye on them because he was aware that their enemies were lurking behind the shadow

"This store belongs to the women's section and you are not supposed to go" Emily stopped Aiden who rolled his eyes and Aria giggled because she knew what Emily is planning.

"I am not leaving you two alone, I don't care if this is fucking store or whatever," Aiden said in a strict tone

"so you mean to say that yuou don't mind if your sister buys lingerie in front of you" Emily teased him and Aiden huffed in annoyance but he know better not to disobey his alpha Lorenzo order.

Aiden was bout to say something but aria interrupted

"Aiden please you can stand outside because I don't feel comfortable shopping private stuff with you," Aria said with an innocent face and Aiden always felt awkward

He looked at both the girl and then took a defeated sigh