You are home wrecker!

Daniel didn't like the ways of his sister, both brother and sister looked at each other in anger.

"I will not allow you to do this" Daniel said and Samantha looked at her with a bored expression

"you can't stop me when I am this close to my destination," Samantha said with a cocky expression and Daniel shook his head

"you are doing a mistake, Samantha, you will regret," Daniel said in a serious tone, he felt sorry for his sister

Daniel and Samantha both were real brother and sister but both were poles apart, Samantha was evil and practised black magic and Daniel practised true form of magic, he was a pure soul

"I will not regret anything and daniel get out of my way," Samantha said with a clenched jaw

"I will not let you leave with the ancient codes, I am the caretaker of her and I have to protect the legacy of our family the bourbon witches," Daniel said in a strong voice and Samantha advanced her steps in his direction.