Your mate is going to die soon!

"you will not say a single word to Aria," Lorenzo said in strict voice and Samantha looked at him with a perplexed expression.

Samantha looked at his neck and she noticed that the tattoo on his neck was vanishing, Samantha panicked because if the tattoo of the witch on Lorenzo's neck completely vanished then she would lose her power forever

Aria took a sigh of relief that Lorenzo was taking her side and on the other hand Davina was looking at the scene unfolding in front of her.

"I have decided that Aria is going to be my Luna and I am sorry Samantha but the circumstances changed for me," Lorenzo said without any regret

"you were dying Lorenzo when I saved you," Samantha said with fake tears in her eyes

Lorenzo thought for a second but right now Aria and the babies were on his priority list, Samantha was losing her control.

Samantha advanced her steps in the direction of Lorenzo and she cupped her cheek and looked straight into her eyes