You are a slut!

Samantha and Davina were talking about Tatya when they both heard the footstep.

"Samantha, what are you doing here with Davina," Aiden asked in a curious voice coming out of the jungle.

He was shocked to see them together and this makes him more suspicious

Samantha was startled seeing Aiden and she couldn't afford to reveal her identity

"I will kill you, Samantha," Davina said acting as if she was an enemy to Samantha

"where is my Lorenzo," Samantha said in a loud voice so that she creates a façade in the mind of Aiden

Davina smirked and in a few seconds she disappeared in thin air, Aiden couldn't do anything

"Aiden" Samantha said and she ran towards the Aiden and hugged him

Aiden was finding it hard to process what was really going on.

Aiden didn't hug Samantha back. Samantha broke the hug and looked at Aiden who was looking at her with suspicious eyes

"what Davina was doing with you," Aiden asked in a strong voice and there was no warmth in it.