Is this how you treat your mate?

Aria woke up when she felt sun rays on her face and she found her body in the embrace of Lorenzo.

Lorenzo was tightly clutching her body as his life depended on her. Aria wiggled in his arms and Lorenzo groaned in sleep

"Will you get up from your body," Aria said poking Lorenzo in his stomach

"I am having a peaceful night after so long," Lorenzo said with closed eyes and Aria bite his neck.

Lorenzo opened his eyes and look straight at Aria, that was a beautiful morning for him. He never released that the love of his life was in front of him but he never noticed

But he was regretting every moment of it.

"leave me right now," Aria said and Lorenzo withdraw his hands'

Aria got up from the floor and Lorenzo followed her. They both stood in front of each other

"how dare of you to come close to me when I was sleeping" Aria complained to him with a straight face and Lorenzo chuckled