Hidden mystery of Tatya?

After the heated argument between Lorenzo and Mason, Aria got out of the cottage without informing anyone. She was angry at why Lorenzo was not listening to anyone

She was afraid that Lorenzo would be harmed too but she was more upset about her own heart because her heart was started to feel a different thing for Lorenzo.

She felt jealous when Kiara looked at Lorenzo with admiring eyes.

Aria ran into the woods without any care in the world, she just wanted to stay away from Lorenzo. She walked into the garden when she fell into the pit.

Aria secure her belly and she fall on her back, her back hurts and she screamed in pain. she heard footsteps and Aria panicked and she cursed herself that why problems follow her everywhere she go.

"Who are you," Aria asked in a scared voice and she was in the 20 feet tall pit, she would only see the shadow of the woman who was wearing full black clothes.