Sold his soul to devil!

Emily opened her eyes and her whole body was aching, she didn't know for how many days she had been in such condition.

She remembered what happened to her and she put her hand on the belly but she wasn't feeling anything, she was feeling empty.

Emily cried loudly and Joanna who was sleeping on the sofa startled and was hurt seeing such a condition of Emily

"calm down Emily," Joanna said and put her hand on the shoulder of Emily

"where is my baby," Emily said and tears spilt from her eyes, Joanna looked at her with a sorry expression

"your child is dead, you have been in a coma for two days and I am sorry I tried but you are deadly injured," Joanna said and she was feeling pathetic

Emily cried and she regretted every decision of loving Aiden

"where are Aiden and Samantha," Emily asked and Joanna hung her head low

"I am asking you something," Emily said and Joanna raised her head and looked at him