The birth of magical twins!

Samantha was grinning in happiness that finally she was going to become the luna of the pack house, her dreams would come true and her lover Thomas would be wake today

Samantha get ready in her red gown and indeed she was looking like a princess, she admired herself looking in the mirror.

"Are you ready sweetheart," a male voice said and Samantha turned around to look at Aiden

Aiden was in a black tuxedo and in the true sense he was looking like alpha, Samantha would be happier to become the Luna of Lorenzo but she was okay to compromise with Aiden

Aiden advanced his steps and walked in her direction, he didn't know what he was doing but he was following the orders of Samantha.

The poor guy didn't even know that he killed his own child

"come to me" Samantha ordered him sitting on the bed and Aiden obeyed her like a puppet.

Aiden sat on his knees and make Samantha wear her heels, Samantha was proud of her work and she laughed internally