Sharing the bed


We choose the project which is about a fairness cream though I don't like to promote fairness creams and all as person should be comfortable with their own skin but I don't have any choice because I need money and I can't ask that from my parents and I didn't have the courage to ask mason, he has given me signing amount but I already spent on it clothes and necessary items and now I am out of money.

Alison left the house after discussion and I go to my room sit on the chair in balcony. I am thinking that how to deal with this Michael, I didn't reply to any of his message but how did he get my number and why did he messaged me after knowing that I am married, I am sure mason already made his opinion about me as usual and I need to maintain my distance from Adam, I have no idea why he is lying around. I pick up my phone and started reading fairness cream script which has a shoot tomorrow, I have only small part to perform tomorrow and after that I will go there.