One heart, one soul


"He grab me by my hair and open my zip in front of everyone" she said and cried on my chest, I fisted my hand about how dare he to treat my wife like this, I surely will kill her

"He is your boyfriend then why are you not happy" I asked but I know it's not truth but still I want to confirm it by her mouth, she get detached from my body and look at me with disgust and she has every right to

"He is not my boyfriend, he is some psycho who is after me since my college days, I hated him then and now I hate him more, he has some obsession towards me, how can you think so low of me, can't you think some good about me for once" she started shouted in anger, I never saw her this angry and her tears are leaking from her eyes, I put a hand on his mouth to prevent her from screaming and her eyes widen at my reaction