Past forgiven


The shooting goes well, Hailey really performed good day I am observing her very keenly. I didn't know she has so much talent in her, if I would knew then I would definitely cast he as main heroine, work is , I always my priority. I have done lot of hard work to reach her, when Tessa time comes for shoot she performs pathetic today. I know she really likes me but the feeling is not mutual, I didn't shout at her for bad performance because I know she is going through heartbreak and who can understand the heartbreak more than me.

Finally the shoot came to an end and I decided to take Hailey with me because she came with me in the morning and I don't want her to travel in cab. I reach parking lot and going to open the door when Tessa shouts my name

"What's the issue Tessa" I replied and she came running to me

"Mason can you drop me home" she asked me taking a breath

"But you have your car" I said and I know what she is trying to do