Chapter 12: Don't call him Alex

Chapter 12: Don't call him Alex

21st century

Conrad tried not to look at the omega who suddenly grew wings and was standing up to his sister and disrespecting him but it didn't stop him from thinking about this new Diddy Franklin. 

He was infuriated and vexed about everything even Julian noticed.

"Conrad, are you alright?" 

"I am fine, why?" He snapped at his future Beta.

Julian wondered whether he should point out that Conrad's fingers were digging into the wooden classroom chair but then again, Conrad might be his best friend but he was also one of the strongest werewolf in their pack and it was always better to tread with caution.

"Nothing" Julian murmured at last.

"How could she collect Mousey's jacket and reject my own? It's infuriating!" Conrad muttered under his breath.

"If it makes you feel any better, she called your sister a bush rat" 

Conrad dimmed his eyes at Julian. "How's that supposed to make me feel better?"

"I am just saying all you need to do is relax, Masters, I am sure Connie is looking for ways to make Comatose girl's life unbearable" 

Conrad straightened his posture. "Thanks but I don't need my twin sister fighting my battle for me"

"Conrad Blackwood-Masters, thanks for volunteering to answer the question I asked for the class" Mr Hecker's voice startled the Alpha's son and his soon to be Beta. "Answer the question, Conrad" Heckler ordered him.

Conrad was confused. He wasn't really paying any attention and didn't hear the question the Alpha blood asked.

(He asked about the largest pack war of the century and the king that lead it) 

The voice in his head made him turn towards his sister. They haven't used their private mind link in over a year, not since their mother died and Connie turned into the highschool bitch.

(Thanks, Connie)

"Shut that mind link, immediately!" Mr Heckler snapped at the Alpha's daughter.

"What mind link?" Connie played clueless and leaned back into her seat. "You shouldn't be making accusation you can't prove, Heckler" 

"It's Mr Heckler to you, young lady" 

"Whatevs" Connie muttered under her breath.

Heckler decided to ignore the Alpha's over pampered daughter and focus his attention on the future Alpha of his pack.

"I am waiting, Conrad" 

"The biggest werewolf pack war was fought in the 16th century in the western hemisphere of Derkal Nations" Conrad answered.

"Correct. And my second question?" Heckler knew that Conrad was brilliant and intelligent, most Alpha bloods were and nobody was expecting less from Alpha Zero's heir.

"Excuse me?" 

"Who led the pack war of the 16th Century?" Heckler repeated his question.

Conrad was blank. He fought to remember the 16th century king that led the great battle of the west but he came up blank again and again.

(Connie, who led the war?) He asked his sister but the private mind link was down. Heckler must be blocking the twin link somehow.

"We don't have all day, Mr. Masters" 

Conrad knew why he was always on the spot with Heckler, he was an Alpha blood who had something against the Alpha's family, something he wasn't too afraid to voice out to Alpha Zero yet because he was still fond of his neck.

It was not a secret that the Alpha's Beta title was in Heckler's maternal side of his family until his grandfather, Beta Elias died. And when a Beta dies, pack rule dictates that the honor goes to his male progeny and only in rare cases, a female one. Alpha Zero might have considered giving the title to Heckler's mother except Azla, Elias' daughter and Heckler mother had been born blind and so, the Alpha took the title away from his family when Marcus Cross, a Beta blood challenged Heckler, an Alpha blood for the title and won.

Since then there has been an unspoken enmity between the Alpha's family and Heckler. For some reason, he never bothered Julian even though his father took the title from him.

"Conrad?!" Heckler called out.

Diddy turned around to look at the Alpha's son and then she turned her attention to Heckler. 

Why wasn't he giving Conrad a break? He was a horse butt but he didn't deserve to be placed on the spot, even Diddy Franklin knew the importance of that.

She didn't know yet how to access the pack's link and even if she did, the whole class would hear her. 

Diddy stood up from her chair. "May I answer the question for him, sire?"

"You may not. If Conrad can't answer the…"

"His name is Alex of Aradale or something" Conrad remembered at last.

Diddy took offense at her beloved father being referred to in that manner.

"You mean, his imperial Majesty, King-Emperor Alexander Lucian of Aradale…king over Western hemisphere and Emperor over the western and southern hemispheres, Supreme Alpha of the largest werewolf pack in the entire planet? I demand you give my fat…"

It was too late to take it back