[Bonus chapter]chapter 13: Dungeon or detention for Diddy Franklin?

chapter 13: Dungeon or detention for Diddy Franklin?

"You mean, his imperial Majesty, King-Emperor Alexander Lucian of Aradale…king over Western hemisphere and Emperor over the western and southern hemispheres, Supreme Alpha of the largest werewolf pack in the entire planet? I demand you give my fat…" 

it was too late to take it back yet she did anyway.

Defiance realized that she was about to openly admit that somehow, her father was a 16th century King-Emperor and she quickly stopped talking.

She knew that no one would believe her anyway but she wasn't going to sit back while the likes of Conrad and his sister spoke about her father in that manner. She won't stand for it. She refused to sit quietly while they disrespected the greatest King-Emperor to walk the earth.

No! No! it wasn't going to happen.

Connie saw an opportunity and decided to pay Defiance back for calling her a bush rat earlier. She took the super glue in her backpack that was meant for her art class  project and passed it to her Tabitha, her friend sitting closer to Diddy's roll.

"You demand?" Conrad blinked.

Who the hell did this omega think she was?

Diddy wanted to reply when Heckler interrupted both of them.

"Correct! The answer is King-Emperor Alexander Lucian of Aradale" Heckler admitted openly.

"Wrong!" Defiance yelled at him. "His daughter led the war and her name is imperial crown princess Defiance Isa of Aradale, she was fourteen years old!"

Heckler turned and looked at her.

"Many pack scholars argued that but no evidence was provided, Miss Franklin. It's just a myth. The King-Emperor himself led the great War, not the child princess" Heckler tried to correct her

Defiance was infuriated. She wasn't supposed to be arguing with this century scholar over a war she fought last year in the 16th century. Her father had taken over eventually but she led the better part of the war herself and she came back Victorious.


"Why are we arguing over a dumb 16th century princess who disappeared a year after the war? She's insignificant" Connie spoke out loud.

Diddy turned to her "Your face is insignificant, Conrad's sister"

"I have a name, Omega!" Connie spatted out angrily.

"Enough!" Heckler wondered how everything went out of control. "For the sake of argument, let's all agree that the King-Emperor and his daughter led the war, after all, there was rumor that she was a hybrid and her mother did help save the hemisphere during the war between Southern and Eastern hemisphere" Heckler tried to conclude the whole matter.

"Queen Janessa of Aradale didn't 'help' save anything. She took his majesty's pack and army, conquered an entire hemisphere and saved the soon to be King-Emperor from the midlanders" Diddy corrected them.

"You are talking about the Queen named the Midknight Warrior Queen, right?" Mitchell asked her.

"I think you mean Queen Midknight, Mitchell but yes" Defiance stopped herself from adding that she was her mother.

"How do you suddenly know everything about the 16th century, Madeline Franklin?" Heckler asked her.

"I…I…I haven't the faintest idea, sire. May I be permitted to sit down?" Defiance asked him.

"Of course" 

Connie smiled as she saw that Defiance was about to sit down but she surprised her when she turned around and grabbed the chair, walked over to her and pointed at her.

"You bloody wench!" 

Heckler moved closer to know what everything was all about, Connie knew she would get in trouble with her father and the teacher and she came up with a conniving plan.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Heckler asked.

"Conrad's sister, placed…"

"This Omega slapped me! I demand she should be punished accordingly. I am an Alpha blood and the Alpha's daughter, it's my right to melt out the punishment to her!" 

Defiance turned around quickly when she heard the lies she was spilling.

"You are lying! she's lying! How dare you proclaim such malicious tale against me, maiden!?"

"It's the truth, I saw it" the girl sitting beside Connie said.

Even though Mr Heckler didn't trust Connie and the girl, he was still required to punish Madeline Franklin but the least he could do was to let anyone but the Alpha's daughter do it.

"You have detention with Alpha Zero after school, Madeline Franklin" Heckler told her.

"But I wanted to punish her myself!" Connie told him.

"She just woke up from coma, the Alpha will determine her punishment, Connie" Heckler turned around and started to walk away.

"May I ask a question?" Diddy asked Mr. Heckler. 

"Yes, you may"

"Hypothetically, let's say I slapped Connie twice, how long do you think I would stay in the dungeon?" Diddy asked him.

"I believe the same amount of time. Why do you ask?" Mr. Heckler was curious.

"Oh, so I can do this!" Diddy curled her fist and next second, the sound of her closed palm  as it hit Connie's face echoed throughout the. classroom.