Chapter 14: Pure bloods and Omegas

Chapter 14: Pure bloods and Omegas

Julian Cross didn't mean to but the laughter that left his mouth when Madeline Franklin hit the Alpha's daughter was filled with pure ecstasy. He quickly tried to suppress the joy at seeing the queen bee of White oak highschool being at the receiving end of a fist.

It wasn't like he hated Connie, Hate was a strong word but maybe he strongly disliked her ever since she stood up on top of the table when they were fourteen years old and declared to the whole school she would rather drink wolfsbane and suffer intensely than go to the school dance with a beta blood. And everyone knew she was talking about Julian Cross since he had asked her to go to the dance with him a few minutes earlier.

That kind of statement hit Julian in ways he couldn't handle and it placed a dent on his reputation as one of the desirable male of white oak high. It was one of the major reasons he became somewhat of a player like Conrad.

So, seeing Connie get hurt was one of the highlights of his day until he saw Conrad's face.

"What? I know she is your sister but it kind of funny, Conrad"

Conrad rubbed his cheek. "I don't think it would be funny to you if you were her twin and you feel everything she feels, Julian" Conrad ran his tongue on his cheek. 

"Oh!" The smile didn't quite leave Julian's eye "I thought that stopped when she closed the private mind link a year ago"

"She reached out to me to remind me of the question Mr. Heckler asked and now, that punch she just recieved, well I did too! And what can I say? Coma girl can throw a mean punch but I am afraid that my sister is about to rip her apart" 

Conrad stood up immediately when he saw Connie transform swiftly into a wolf, it was one of the perks of being an Alpha blood. They first turned when they were ten years old. Even their father, Alpha Zero turned first at age fourteen.

Defiance saw the wolf charging towards her and she tried to transform into her wolf but she hit a series of obstacles.

First, the transformation was the most painful thing she had experienced and for a hybrid like her who transformed in a twinkle of an eye, it was purely embarrassing. Then she caught the reflection of Maddie's wolf on the stainless waste bin around the corner.

(Wait! What is this?!)  

Defiance screamed in her mind.

(Where is Layla? Where is my big white wolf?) Defiance asked in her mind.

The wolf she was seeing wasn't Layla, her wolf, she looked thrice smaller than her wolf and…weak.

Defiance saw the claw coming her way but unlike before that she had speed and accuracy, the wolf she was now didn't. Commander Semeen had been right, she was just an omega wolf, the lowest of the low. She waited for Connie's claw to find her but something stood in-between her small pathetic wolf and the red wolf she saw before.

Defiance looked up to see the person who stopped the attack on her fragile self and it was Conrad and he had gotten most of Connie's rage.

"Conrad!" Connie screamed when she saw that she had injured her twin instead of the pathetic omega she was going for.

"Ouch!" Conrad looked at his sister and said.

"You know I didn't mean to hurt you! Why did you protect that…that weak toad?" 

Conrad turned around and looked at Defiance still on the ground, still struggling to change back to her human form. When she finally did, she had a glimmer of tears in her, tears she tried to hide from him.

"I don't know" Conrad murmured. It was the truth.

"You can't always protect her twenty four hours a day, Conrad. Sooner than later, I will maim her!" Connie pointed at Defiance as she talked.

"Enough!" Mr Heckler yelled at all of them.

Defiance looked around the room and everyone was looking at her like she was a pathetic weakling who needed someone she vowed never to speak to again to save her. Defiance wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. She had never felt so embarrassed before.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was when Mindy approached her and offered her a hand. It then hit her, she was the imperial crown princess Defiance Isa of Aradale and she was on the floor, she knew she had to escape from this place. 

Ignoring Mindy's help she fled from the classroom, Ignoring the calls from Mr Heckler to come back.

"Congratulations, Blackwood-Masters…You both get to join Madeline for an evening with your father. You both have detention!" Mr. Heckler told both of them.

Connie wanted to argue about the possibility of spending the evening in the sullen air of her father's company but she was more concerned about Conrad's injuries.

"Can I at least take my brother to the nurse? He may be an Alpha blood but…" Connie's voice trailed off.

" Injuries inflicted by another Alpha blood and a pure blood Werewolf is going to need some attention" 

Connie tried to touch Conrad "Come on, can you walk?"

Conrad rolled his eyes and walked out leaving Connie to run after him.

"Wait up!"


Defiance found a spot behind the school building to hide and cry. She pulled her legs together and she buried her face in it as uncontrollably tears streamed down her face. She tried to take off the bracelet on her hand, the only thing preventing her from making Connie suffer.

Few minutes later Ethan appeared before her and sat beside her.

"I heard what happened. Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked her.

"Her wolf is weak and pathetic! I was helpless and weak. I am Defiance, I am none of those things and by my troth, I shall make Connie suffer beyond measure when I get my strength back. I can't wait to go back to my century and leave (Defiance looked at the body she was occupying before adding) this behind"

It surprised her when Ethan stood up.

"What is wrong?"

"I don't know whether you've realized this yet but the weak pathetic wolf and girl you are insulting is Madeline. She is my sister. I have English class" 

Defiance watched her brother walk away, she knew he was angry with her. She resumed crying even more now.

"I just want to go home"