Chapter 15: Just like joy.

Chapter 15: Just like joy.

16th Century.

Jamie stared at the roof of her chamber. It was a large room but not as large as the king's chamber. She wondered why for a moment. Then she wondered about another thing in the next moment.

She remembered her new sister in law's reply to her question earlier. Yes! Rosemund thought she would show up to her wedding in rags. Jamie smiled as she imagined how red Alexander would be if she actually showed up in rags. She was tempted to try the outrageous notion.

She heard a knock on the door and stood upright fast. Her heart thundered faster as she expected to see Alexander. It's been days since she saw him.

No less, he was with the injured maiden he rescued. Doing wicked things to the girl he rescued, wicked things he was supposed to be doing to her. The last thought made Jamie shake her head.

"The person staying in this room is dead. Go away!" Jamie yelled at the person she thought was Alexander. She would never show him that he popped up in her thoughts many times than she was comfortable with.

The door pushed open.

"Alexan....oh, it's you Rachael. I thought you were....never mind. Is it time for my bath already?"

"Bath? No, her Majesty. I came bearing a bigger news. A messenger from the Eastern hemisphere is in Aradale. I thought Milady would like to send a message to her Majesty's family. I see how much Milady misses her family"

Jamie stood up fast. She almost tripped on the foot stool by the bed. She wondered how the foot stool got there. Oh dear! Who cares!

"I could hug you right now, Rachael! Soak you up in a bear hug like my Papa"

"That wouldn't be appropriate, Milady. Queens, don't make it a habit to hug their lady's maid" Rachael couldn't help but smile as Jamie went ahead and hugged her.

"Thanks goodness, I am not a proper Queen then. Oh dear Rachael you have made my day. You are a true friend."

Rachael could feel her head swell with pride. All she did was bring a message, her Majesty could have easily gotten from anyone yet the Queen hugged her like they were old friends. She would tell everyone who cares to listen that a Queen deem her worthy of a hug. She tried to contain it.

Lady's maids aren't supposed to squeal in pleasure in front of the very people they were supposed to be serving.

"Quick! Grab a pen and a paper, Rachael. I must write my father the king of Namura."

Rachael couldn't be prouder of herself as she came anticipating her Majesty's need. She produced a feather pen and ink. She also took out a paper from the Queen's table and handed it over to Jamie.

Dear Papa,

I don't have much time. By now, you have noticed I am gone. I have been kidnapped by the Devil of Aradale.

The king of Aradale plans to force me into marriage against my will. You must hurry and save me, Papa.

But he treated me with respect and so, I must plead that no harm comes to king Alexander.

Your daughter,

Princess Jamie of Namura.

Jamie folded the paper and held on to it tightly.

"Maybe I deliver the letter for you, Her Majesty?" Rachael asked ready to take it.

"No. I shall deliver it myself. The excitement made me famished. Can you bring in some food for me, Rachael?" Jamie flashed her sweetest smile.

Rachael bowed to her and hurried towards the royal kitchen.

Today, was possibly the happiest day of her life. She saw the King at the end of the hallway talking to a knight. Rachael thought to take another route but it would take a longer time. She forged ahead with determination.

She bowed to her king and meant to continue her journey when the King of Aradale spoke to her....for the very first time since she was born. She felt like she was walking on clouds today.

"You are the Queen's maid, aren't you?" Alexander question the young girl that suddenly had difficulty in talking.

"Yes, his Highness."

"What is your name?"

"Rachael, My king. The name is Rachel"

"Where is the Queen, Rachael?" Alexander asked the young maid.

"The Queen is in her chambers, his Highness."

"What exactly is she doing?" Alexander felt irritated that he had to stoop so low as to inquire the whereabouts of his bride from her lady's maid.

The past few days had been hell for King Alexander. The young werewolf he saved, Semeen kept slipping in and out of coma. Alexander needed her alive to begin his new quest. He was going to find people like him from every part of Derkal.

Rachael answered the question she was asked.

"The Queen is in her room finishing up a letter she plans to spend to her Majesty's kingdom through the messenger, Milord"

Alexander threw his deadliest glare at the young maid who shrunk further into herself.

Alexander walked in long strides as he raced to his Queen's room. As expected, the room was empty and Janessa was gone. So was the sword that was purely decorative. Alexander wondered how long before his bride realized that.


He knew the messenger was at the next village in Aradale. If he had any chance of capturing his bride, he would have to hurry.

She couldn't have gotten far.

Jamie carried the small basket she hid in the Queen's room for her escape. She had two options, one: send a message to her father and wait to be rescued or two, rescue herself. After much deliberation, Jamie went with both options. It was better to be safe than sorry.

She almost made it across the creek to the other village, when a small blade flew over her head to the tree in front of her.

"Alexander!" She knew even before she turned around to see his mad face.

She had borrowed some of his clothes because it was easier to run in it. And Jamie was fast.

Alexander saw her disappear before his eyes like she knew the forest well. He was in pursuit one second and next, someone was slamming a tree branch on his face and it was pitch black. The type of darkness that stretched out till eternity.